Building a Successful Career: The Power of Allies

Advice from experts · 6/5/2024 · 1 min read

Building a Successful Career: The Power of Allies

Are You Where You Want to Be?

Throughout our careers, we often find ourselves wondering if we are on the right path. Sometimes, we know our destination from the very beginning and draw up a plan to achieve our goals. Other times, we discover our passions and goals as we progress in our professions. Regardless of whether we have clear goals from the start or find them later, questions about our approach to our career path arise from time to time.

Embracing Doubts: Obstacles or Tools?

Questioning our path allows us to make decisions, try new things, make mistakes, and learn. Stepping off the path to experiment and returning with more tools and fewer doubts is invaluable. I have seen colleagues remain in the same place and find happiness, while others feel the bitterness of not daring to explore other roles or industries. Conversely, some colleagues explore different directions and return to their original path, enriched by the conviction that they are where they want to be. The key is to inform yourself, listen, read, and seek advice from others. Doubts are welcome in the field of professional development; they are a powerful tool for growth.

Reflecting on Your Career

Several factors can prompt us to pause and reflect on our careers:

  • Am I adding value to my company?

  • Do I feel appreciated?

  • Do I have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform my tasks?

  • Do I see progression in my role?

Additionally, consider whether your current role makes you happy. We spend many hours working, so our work should be a valuable experience. This leads to key questions:

  • Should I try similar roles elsewhere?

  • Should I study something different and apply for a new role inside or outside my current company?

There are many questions, and here are the key people who can help you answer them.

Allies in Your Career Journey


Many corporations excel at designing career plans for their employees, assigning mentors throughout their careers. A mentor is someone who has walked the path before, understands the challenges, and knows how to overcome them. They have likely asked the same questions you are now asking. Good mentors will share insights and advice that help you make informed decisions.

Outside Role Models

For those in smaller companies or entrepreneurs, seeking guidance from successful individuals in the market is crucial. Connect with people who can advise you and share their knowledge. Explore your network for individuals you admire and believe can form a bond that will help you grow.

Talent Finders

A key element in your development strategy is a Talent Finder, a trusted recruiter who understands market needs. They can guide you on where and when to experiment. Recruiters know what courses, skills, and experiences employers are seeking. They understand geographic demand, the quantity of needed profiles, and the timing of opportunities. They can suggest when and where to explore new roles based on various factors.

You Are Not Alone!

You should not walk this journey alone. Surround yourself with mentors, role models, and a solid talent advisor who can present exciting opportunities aligned with your career goals.

At RocketPower, we have a team of Talent Acquisition professionals who are excellent allies to top talent in all geographies and numerous industries. We also have fantastic clients eager to get to know you! Discover more at RocketPower Talent Solutions.